I shall be exhibiting alongside 65 of the UK's leading makers at St.Edward's School in Oxford at the end of October, Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th 2014. It is always a fantastic and vibrant pre-Christmas event, with top quality work and demonstrations throughout the weekend. There's a cafeteria alongside...
Picking the last of swelling blackberries for jam-making this afternoon, in glorious sunshine, fantastic! It offered a pause for thought after a very...
It's the last chance this week to view Bevere's September exhibition of new work by us, the Wobage Potters. I have a selection of newly fired, large...
A rather last minute alteration to schedule.....I've been summoned by the PTFA of our local Primary school for some 'Have...
Back-tracking now, a few pot snaps from the last Olsen wood-salt kiln before unpacking, a few days before our...
I'm really enjoying a group of new bisque roulettes which I've been employing in various ways to wet and soft leatherhard pots, both thrown and slab-built.
I've had a long overdue late Spring clean out and from this Thuraday 18th July until Sunday 21st, I'll have some great bargains for sale on the Wobage Gallery 'Seconds & Old Stock' shelves. We are open 10am until...
One of my evening class students recently visited the mixed show of UK work currently on exhibition in Tegelen Hollland which I am a part of. She was most impressed by the quality of display and the work, as well it's...